Practical Information
This page contains general information such as how to register, costs of participation, including accommodation and travel arrangements and our postal address.
The Competition takes place at a different location every year. An overview of the past locations can be found here.
The Competition is open to teams of 2 or 3 students enrolled in a bachelor or master of laws program at an accredited university, accompanied by up to two coaches. Please read the Rules of Procedure to check your eligibility.
Registration for the 16th Leiden-Sarin International Air Law Moot Court is open!
Please register via the link below. The deadline for registration is 1 December 2024 23:59 (CET).
Questions? Please contact us at
Costs and Registration Fee
To complete their registration, teams participating in the International Rounds of the Competition are required to pay a registration fee of € 300 per team. The registration fee is for administrative expenses on the organizer's end.
Scan the QR-code mentioned below or use this link:
Link to pay the Registration fee €300
Teams can request an invoice or transfer the payment directly to our account.

Note: teams participating in a National Round, are not required to pay the registration fee to complete their registration. Only the winning teams that qualify for the international rounds will be required to pay the registration fee.
Accommodation and Travel
Accommodation during the Competition is usually provided for by our hosts. The number of rooms allocated to a team is based on the team's size and composition. Team members of the same gender and coaches may be required to share a room. Where possible, we will offer to book extra rooms or nights at an additional price.
Teams must make and pay for their own travel arrangements to and from the location of the Moot Court. We encourage teams and universities to engage with airlines and the industry to sponsors tickets, upon which they can be included in our sponsor overview as Team Sponsor.